We Care
Warm Line 24/7 Telephone Counselling
Mental Health Support for Clinicians
In recent years NHS is struggling to cope up with the high demands of patient care, and this has increased aftermath of the covid 19 pandemic. As a business we wish to accomplish further by providing free mental Health support to its locums with its new scheme “We Care”. As a nurse on the front lines of managing care after the COVID-19 pandemic, they are encountering unique challenges and stressors unlike any other. The realities of the situation are changing their ability to provide care to their patients, spend time with their family, and go about your daily life. The stress may be affecting them physically, interpersonally, and emotionally more than anything you’ve ever experienced.
All locums can seek free support during this time of increased stress. Talking with people who might understand what they are going through can help normalize their experience, help them process their compassion fatigue and trauma, and reduce their stress. Using the free Warmlines telephone counselling service for “We Care” will provide confidential support when they need someone to just listen. They will be able to speak to someone who is empathetic about what their are going through.
Medicco Healthcare Limited is a registered company in England And Wales company number 13678453 VAT registration number 412005661
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